[Rishis/Gurus of Vedic Microbiology]
डॉ. चक्रधर फ्रेण्ड
VEDIC MICROBIOLOGY (वैदिक सुक्ष्मजैविकी):
encompass the science of microorganisms enshrined in the Veda-Ayurveda and other Sanskrit texts in the (scattered) form of Richas / Mantras / Slokas brought into light by the Vedic intellectual giants-- Rishis / Ayurvedacharyas; lakhs (millions) of years ago in Bharata (India) by dint of yogic power (soul based infinite intuition).
Vedic Microbiology follows natural law and order i.e. Rta. Vedic Microbiology is branch of Vedic science, Ayurveda and Microbiology.
The microbiological (Hygienic) knowledge and its principles and practices are readily reflected in the rural area. Blowing of couch shell, the bell in the temples, using cow dung and cow urine, performing Yagna, using antimicrobial spices in our food and so many examples reflect the integration of microbiological knowledge in the Vedic Sanatan (Hindu) Dharma. Vaccination was already a common practice in Bharata. The sacred water of Ganga has been protecting the persons from many kinds of microbial infection. These shows that concern for health was integrated part of Dharma (≠ religion; means Righteousness /mental virtue/natural law). And how could microbiology escape this dharma.
Everything that is necessary for ‘self preservation’ is essentially found in the Vedic—Sanatana--Dharma [Knowledge/consciousness led-Eternal- Natural Law].
Let’s reinvestigate the mystery which has indemnified the Grand old Vedic Civilization from the pathogens [infectious disease]. What was the secret of 'immunity'/'strength' of this Vedic civilization?
Today when Modern Microbiology has achieved great height with severe loopholes like evolution of antibiotic resistance microorganisms, vaccine resistant microorganisms; Premier Research Bioinstitutes has mastered in manufacturing new terminology like Emerging Infectious Diseases and Re-emerging infectious diseases. The ignorant public gets horrified, and consequently they have to pay more taxes. Microorganisms are directly “taxing” the patience of scientists and indirectly “taxing” the public.
“When the going gets tough, the tough gets going”--- the “tough” followers of Vedic culture has mastered the art of living. The Vedic Management of microbial diseases needs to be brought back into light for the material and spiritual prosperity of the whole world as established by the Vedic seers. Following the Vedic Health ordinance is actually following the commandments of The Supreme Being. The royal principles and practices of Vedic Microbiology/Ayurveda can definitely save the world from microbial menace, which RKVMRI tries to affirm.